Postman projects
Marketing Website
The Postman Marketing website was in need of a serious refresh. With the release of our new built-in tools and team collaboration features, the website needed to inform developers about how Postman is your one-stop-shop for everything API. By honing in on features rather than product level, I was able to create an experience that targeted all of our developer user base and carefully hone in on specifics within feature sets.
With the homepage redone, I needed to make the rest of the site consistent. I stripped away from the washed out gradients from before and went with a sleeker dark hero image to really draw the eye in on the product image.
Download the App
Within the secondary pages (About, Jobs, Contact, etc.) I wanted to bring in more of an energetic feel from the employees through the use of photography.
About Us
To get developers to understand the various stages in which Postman's features become unlocked to fit development needs and team size, I designed a timeline landing page that bring gamification to the developer's journey with Postman. Depending on where the developer is within their first time use of Postman the timeline easily onboards the developer to the next stage within Postman.
Take the Next Step Landing Page
These icons were created to detail new features and key elements within Postman's platform.
Icons created for Jobs and Support pages
Business Cards
App icons
Icons used for Mac, Windows, and Linux applications.
Various Illustrations